5 Reasons Why GB Pay’s Contactless Payment System is the Future of Dry Cleaning Business UK

GB Pay Happy Customers

I was running a lame dry cleaning business in Fulham Broadway.

Each day felt like a never-ending cycle of monotonous routines, and my profits were anything but inspiring.

To make matters worse, a strange noise had started haunting me – the agonizing sound of credit card transactions failing because of network issues.


Loneliness and rejection crept into my life as I watched countless customers walk away, frustrated by our outdated payment methods and leaving negative Google reviews in their wake. 


It was a bleak time, and I knew something had to change.

Enter our first character: Lisa, a vivacious and tech-savvy friend of mine.

She had been using GB Pay for her coffee shop business for years and constantly raved about its efficiency and reliability.

One evening, while we were catching up over dinner, she noticed the weariness in my eyes and asked what was bothering me.

I couldn't help but pour out my troubles to her, explaining how the dry cleaning business was bleeding money and drowning in rejection.


Lisa's eyes lit up with an idea.

She told me about an upcoming event that could be the turning point for my business - the Nottingham Carnival.

The Nottingham Carnival, she explained, was a massive local event where thousands of people gathered to celebrate, and local businesses had a chance to shine.

Lisa suggested that this was the perfect opportunity to revamp my business and try GB Pay.

With newfound hope, I decided to give it a shot. The carnival was just a few weeks away, and I worked tirelessly to prepare. I signed up for GB Pay, eager to see how it could change my fortunes.

As the carnival date approached, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

But then, James, a loyal customer who had suffered through failed card transactions before, noticed the GB Pay sign on our door. Intrigued, he decided to give it a try and was delighted with how easy and fast it was.

James quickly became a GB Pay advocate, sharing his experience with other customers.

They, too, started using it, and the word spread like wildfire.

Our dry cleaning business was suddenly buzzing with activity.

The day of the Nottingham Carnival arrived, and I was overwhelmed with excitement and anxiety.

The crowd was immense, and I couldn't believe how many customers were paying using GB Pay on their phones via Apple Pay or Google Pay. It was a game-changer.

And then, our third character, Sarah, a talented local artist, visited our stall to have her carnival costume cleaned.

She paid using GB Pay and was so impressed that she offered to create a beautiful mural on our shop's façade as a token of appreciation.

The transformation was incredible.

The negative Google reviews were slowly replaced by positive ones, praising our efficient payment methods and friendly service.

Our profits began to soar, and within just a few months, we were making an extra £6000 per month, all thanks to GB Pay.

In the end, I realized that loneliness and rejection had led me to discover the power of friendship and innovative solutions. Lisa, James, and Sarah had played pivotal roles in our success story, and the Nottingham Carnival had been the perfect catalyst for change. GB Pay had not only saved my business but also created a sense of community and togetherness that I had never imagined possible.

As I look back on that strange noise that once haunted me, I can't help but smile. It was a sound that marked the beginning of a remarkable journey, a journey that transformed my dry cleaning business into a thriving, profitable venture, all while teaching me the enduring power of friendship and innovation.

Simple and Transparent Payment Processing Fee

At GB Pay, we keep things simple and transparent. The only charge your business incurs is a small fee for processing payments. We believe in fairness and providing you with a straightforward pricing model, so you know exactly what to expect.

No Contract
£429 + VAT
* monthly fee will be applicable in specific cases only.
** GB Pay fee is for standard UK Cards

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Market Stall